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What Is Raw Honey?

Raw Honey

The History of Honey
Honey has been used in all corners of the world for nearly 10,000 years due to its immense health benefits. This natural product comes from bees, which are one of the most important members of our ecosystem and the balance-keepers of our planet. Bees pollinate plants to help them grow and then collect the nectar to bring back to their hive. Once back, the bees produce honey from the sugary secretions of the floral nectar.
Fortunately, bees make more honey than their colony needs, so beekeepers like us are able to harvest the excess and bottle it for human consumption - then reap the many benefits the honey provides.
Raw Honey
Our hardworking bees forage a variety of wildflowers and herbs to choose the color, flavor and texture of the honey we offer. The raw honey comes straight from the honeycomb - never pasteurized. The raw honey we offer is unprocessed and still contains the beneficial pollen, propolis and honeycomb. We filter out small bits of debris from the hive, but the raw honey appears cloudy because it contains these important extra elements - which are all good for you and safe to eat.
The color of the honey varies and depends on the flowers the bees have chosen to pollinate from season to season. We package our raw honey on-site and retain all the qualities and nutrients the bees work so hard to provide. It’s never strained or heated to ensure you’re getting the most natural, quality raw honey. The only ingredients it contains? The honey from the hive. That’s it.
Insurmountable Benefits
The benefits of raw honey are many, and they are varied. Not only is it a delicious natural sweetener to your coffee or tea, we see nothing wrong with eating it by the spoonful! Use it to soothe your throat or to give you a much-needed boost of energy. But it doesn’t stop at that. The benefits are so deep and all-encompassing for our bodies.
Studies have shown that honey contains important things our body needs, such as vitamins, minerals, amino acids and antioxidants. The raw honey we harvest on our Wisconsin farm has all those beneficial components our body craves, as well as bee pollen and bee propolis. These components can have anti-inflammatory and anti-fungal effects that make raw honey a useful natural remedy to soothe wounds and kill bacteria.
So what is bee propolis? It is the sticky glue-like substance that holds the hive together. This substance helps the bees, but it is believed to be beneficial for humans as well, containing essential vitamins and beneficial enzymes. Further, raw honey contains flavonoids and phenolic acids, which have antioxidant properties and has the ability to reduce oxidative stress in the body.
Raw honey is nutritious and beneficial, and it’s definitely a healthy addition to your daily diet.
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