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Hemp History

The Beginning
Hemp got its start thousands of years ago, used for many basic necessities such as food, shelter, clothing, netting and more, the benefits of this plant were realized long before our modernized world.
When immigrants settled in America, farmers in Virginia and other colonies were required to grow hemp. In fact, a draft of the U.S. Declaration of Independence was written on hemp paper. This versatile plant has a rich history in North America that ebbs and flows throughout the years.
The Past
In 1937, industrial hemp farming hit a massive road bump due to the Marijuana Tax Act, which imposed strict regulations on production. This act was enacted largely due to confusion with other kinds of cannabis. Without a tax stamp, the possession or transfer of hemp became illegal.
To support war efforts and to help in the creation of necessary supplies, in 1942, the U.S. Department of Agriculture pushed to encourage farmers to grow hemp. This was successful until World War II ended; the last commercial hemp fields were planted in 1957 in Wisconsin. With a zero tolerance for THC from the federal government, all cultivation of cannabis became illegal.
In the 1990s, advocates in Canada began challenging the status quo of hemp growing. Based on the ideal from a United Nations treaty that low THC varieties of industrial hemp are legal, the group was able to begin plant research trials. These trials were successful, proving hemp crops have undetectable amounts (less than 0.003%) of THC - the chemical responsible for psychoactive effects in marijuana. Hemp was legalized in Canada in 1998, and imports to the U.S. began shortly thereafter. On the 15th anniversary of industrial hemp legalization in Canada, annual U.S. retail sales of hemp products exceeded $581 million. In 2018, the U.S. Farm Bill encouraged the building of hemp businesses with many fewer restrictions than were put in place decades ago.
The Future
With the further realization of the many benefits of hemp, and the proof of the work it does to bolster the economy, we are hopeful that opportunities will continue to expand for farmers, as well as increased economic support. We are also excited to continue learning about the many benefits this versatile plant can provide, as well as sharing these products with our customers.
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