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Hemp Sustainability

The healthy benefits to hemp are insurmountable, but the effects it can have on saving our planet are just as important.
Benefits to the soil
Soil erosion is a major problem facing farmers, but hemp can help solve this issue. Versatile and hearty enough to grow in almost every climate and part of the world, hemp has deep roots that break up soil compaction and can reverse erosion. Beyond that, the many botanical properties of hemp clean up toxins, heavy metals and other pollutants from the ground, as well as increase nutrient absorption. Hemp can serve as the rejuvenation soil around the world needs.
Saving our planet
Hemp has the power to capture carbon emissions from the atmosphere and trap it. For every ton of hemp produced, 1.63 tons of carbon are removed from the air, cleaning up our planet for generations to come. As a natural way to break down toxins and air pollution, hemp serves us in innumerable ways.
A safer and sustainable alternative
With more than 4 million miles of roads in the United States, hemp can serve as an alternative and renewable non-toxic fuel source. It burns at a lower temperature than any other type of biofuel, meaning a transition to hemp as fuel source could have excellent positive effects on our planet.
Further, the widespread use of plastic is harming the Earth - it’s indisputable. Plastic water bottles can take anywhere between 400 and 1,000 years to decompose. The main component in plastics is cellulose derived from petroleum, and petroleum is highly toxic. Hemp happens to be the greatest cellulose producer on earth, and bonus, it’s biodegradable. It is a natural and sustainable alternative to use in plastics, an easier product for the soil to break down and contributes to an overall healthier ecosystem.
Finally, hemp can be used to significantly reduce deforestation due to paper creation. Trees take years to mature, but hemp can be produced in months. One acre of hemp can produce as much paper annually as four acres of trees. Hemp paper is more durable than paper produced from trees. This versatile plant can single-handedly - with our help - help turn our planet in the right direction toward sustainability.
Improving sustainable farming practices
Hemp is naturally resistant to pests, meaning harsh and dangerous pesticides do not need to be incorporated. Pesticides can be detrimental to our natural ecosystem, so hemp is able to significantly reduce exposure to unnecessary toxins and pollutants. Further, after harvesting hemp, the leftover plant parts are nutrient-rich, making for healthier soil and increasing overall yield for years to come. It is the ideal plant for crop rotation. Since hemp can be grown in almost any climate, it has the potential to be sourced locally, which in turn cuts down on air pollution and bolsters the economy.
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