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Beekeeping at the Farm

The benefits of consuming natural honey from sustainably raised honey bees are unparalleled. Since the beginning of our beekeeping journey, we have strived to be committed stewards of the humble honey bee and their esteemed place in the web of life. How do we do this? We promote the use of nature’s sweetest medicine and advocate for environmentally sound beekeeping - and we personally do both daily.

Our commitment is to ensure the honey you use and love is sustainable today, but more importantly, for future generations. This starts with healthy bees and extends to protecting the natural resources they depend on. This means you can feel good, safe and confident with each drop and drizzle of honey you enjoy.

It is our belief that organic beekeeping is the best method for bee populations, and healthy bee populations are essential for plant and vegetable pollination. This, in turn, ensures a healthy ecosystem. There’s simply no question: Bees are one of the most important facets of our planet’s health.

In order to stay true to these beliefs, here are the pillars that guide us:

  • Adapt to changes in nature, along with changes in bee behavior year to year.
  • Only remove true honey surplus.
  • Support overall bee health and utilize excellent hive management practices.

Overall, our approach to beekeeping follows a path of trust in nature, not control over nature. Synchronicity is our guiding principal.

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